This body of work was created for my Honours of Fine Arts degree at the University of New South Wales in 2020.
Excerpt from Thesis:
My honours thesis titled 'The Wide Brown Land for Me!' thesis focused on capturing and conveying the ongoing process of coloniality in rural NSW through an extended photographic practice. More specifically I have focused on the landscape of Boorowa where I grew up and its immediate surrounding environment. By using mediums such as photography, moving image and sound I have sought to convey the complex issues of coloniality by visualising colonial motifs that are present in the everyday landscape.
A major aim for this thesis is the allow audiences who now inhabit and claim ownership of this land in Australia to reconsider the history of the landscape where they reside and the area that surrounds it. I am not critically critiquing those who occupy these spaces because I myself live on stolen land and am directly related to these issues as are most Australians. However, bringing to light these matters is a starting point in uncovering the events and actions of the past which have defined the Australian landscape.